5 Terrible Mistakes People Make When They Go to Buy Mattress in India

Want to buy mattress in India but confused about how to make the right choice? In this article, I will share the five biggest mistakes people make while purchasing a new mattress for themselves. Understanding others’ mistakes will help you find an easier way to grab your ideal mattress by avoiding the wrong steps you might have also taken.

Buy Mattress in India But Don’t Make These Mistakes!

We all make mistakes and learn from them but some mistakes are irreversible and pose a very negative impact on our lives. The same thing implies while purchasing a new mattress. This is because, after a tiring and long day, we all lie down on our mattresses to get comfort and support to let our muscles relax and recover from the fatigue.

If our mattress is cheap and lacks support, we are exposed to dangerous allergies, body pain, and even chronic medical conditions. Hence, selecting the right mattress is highly crucial. Even if you are on a tight budget, you must never opt for a cheaper mattress just because it is affordable. You must do thorough research to understand your body’s requirements and buy mattress in India that’s right for you.

Here are some of the most terrible mistakes people make while purchasing a new mattress.

1. Neglecting Eco-Friendliness

Many people bluntly opt for mattresses that do not emphasize nature-friendliness at all and are made using harmful chemicals just because they are a lot cheaper. Such people are of the viewpoint that purchasing one eco-friendly mattress won’t make any difference to the environment. However, they must understand that it is not only about being a responsible citizen but about personal safety too.

If you sleep on an eco-friendly mattress, you protect your skin and body from many harmful chemicals that otherwise may have exposed you to various allergies and ailments. Furthermore, manufacturing as well as disposing of a cheaper mattress eventually harms the environment.

2. Not Understanding the Firmness

Another biggest mistake people make when they go out to buy mattress in India is that they have absolutely no clue about ILD (Indentation Load Deflection) which is a unit that specifies the firmness level of a mattress. Furthermore, such people also have no clue about the firmness required by their back for the right spinal column alignment and support.

Such people either end up buying a soft mattress thinking it will be comfortable or opt for a dual-sided mattress that does not meet their specific requirements. Hence, ignoring the firmness level required by your body might cause sore pressure points and chronic body pain. 3. Underestimating Breathability

Another biggest thing one must always consider while purchasing a new mattress is breathability. Many people who sleep in ACs or not-so-hot environments completely neglect air circulation inside a mattress thinking that they don’t need a very breathable mattress. However, this is a misconception.

Breathability is required even if you sleep in a moderate climate because it does not just help you sleep cool and sweat-free but also improves the blood circulation inside your body. The improved blood flow hence, helps muscles recover faster and reduce body pain if any.

4. Not Looking After the Certifications

The next terrible mistake made by people is to neglect the certifications owned by their shortlisted brand while in reality, certifications play a huge role in determining the mattress’s quality and safety. So, before purchasing a new mattress, one must always check the certifications held by the brand to ensure they are picking up the right mattress for themselves or not.

5. Picking Up the Wrong Mattress Just to Save Some Money

This is the most common mistake people make – buying cheaper alternatives just because they are tight on money. But such people are exposed to chronic body pain and allergies and often end up spending extravagantly on hospital bills.

6. Ignoring a Free Trial

Last but not least, many people who even do enough research make only one mistake and that is to ignore a free trial. They think they have researched thoroughly and are sure they are buying the right mattress. However, things can go wrong even when you have deeply researched the mattress you are purchasing. Hence, you must not neglect a free trial and opt for a brand that gives around 100 nights of a free trial.

The Bottom Line

We hope we helped you understand how to buy mattress in India and what mistakes to avoid. Remember that your mattress stays with you for a very long time and it is a huge investment that you don’t replace every few weeks or months. So, you must pick your mattress crucially and avoid making the mistakes listed above.


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