Why Sleep Comfort Would End Without Latex Mattress in India?

Ever since it got more popular, a natural latex mattress in India has certainly changed the way Indians slept. When we talk about a latex mattress, please understand that we only recommend sleeping on a 100% natural latex mattress. Find the top reasons why a latex mattress provides unmatched support and comfort like no other mattress in India.

Top Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Get Relaxing Sleep Without a Latex Mattress in India

If you haven’t yet got your hands on a premium-quality, natural latex mattress in India like Morning Owl, you must be wondering what are we even talking about. Confused how can a mattress contribute so much to deep, uninterrupted, and exceptionally relaxing sleep? Wondering if this mattress is nothing but just overhyped? Well, read and know it yourself!

1. 100% Hypoallergenic & Eco-Friendly

Now if you are wondering what this even has to do with you, let us tell you that the mattress we sleep on directly impacts our health, skin, and respiratory system – of course, along with our diurnal cycle and spinal column. Sleeping on a natural latex mattress ensures you are neither harming the environment nor exposing yourself to any sort of allergens or microorganisms.

Sleeping on a mattress that has no focus on eco-friendliness and being hypoallergenic exposes you to countless threats that you wouldn’t even notice but will continue to harm you for years. Mattresses that are not hypoallergenic become a breeding ground for microorganisms – making your skin and respiratory system terribly affected and only to realize the root cause when it is too late.

2. Comfy & Cushions Your Curves

A latex mattress is just like your mother’s lap – snuggly, relaxing and comfortable. Sleeping on it offers you unparalleled comfort that helps you sleep better throughout the night. Now, if you are wondering that it's not just a latex mattress that is comfortable and cushions the body curves but a memory foam mattress does that too, this brings us to the reason no. 1 listed above and reason no. 3 we’re going to talk about.

Memory foam is made artificially and is not a naturally found material. Hence, this mattress is not eco-friendly and despite its claims of being 100% safe to sleep on, it can not be as hypoallergenic and safe as a latex mattress. Furthermore, memory foam traps body heat while cushioning the body curves due to poor breathability which makes you exhausted, suffocated, and sweaty while you are sleeping.

3. High Breathability

This is where a latex mattress in India differs from every other mattress because it has unique, unmatched breathability. Latex mattresses do not trap body heat at all and in fact, have the best type of air circulation inside them. This is because of the millions of tiny pin-core holes that are punched in the latex foam while processing it.

The enhanced breathability inside a natural latex mattress ensures you sleep cool throughout the night – even in hot weather. Most importantly, it gradually improves the blood circulation inside your body thus helping relieve your body aches, stiff muscles, etc.

4. Ideal Back Support

Last but not least, a latex mattress provides exceptionally high back support that aligns your spinal column correctly while you sleep thus helping reduce back pain, eliminate postural deformities, and making you sleep better.

The Bottom Line

We hope we helped you understand how a latex mattress in India is very different and unique than any other type of mattress in India. If you have any doubts about sleeping on a latex mattress, feel free to contact us and our mattress experts would love to help you out.


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